Definition of Scarlet letter

1. Noun. The letter A in red; Puritans required adulterers to wear it.

Generic synonyms: Allegory, Emblem

Definition of Scarlet letter

1. Noun. (American English) a red letter A required to be worn by adulterers in 17th century Puritan New England ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Scarlet Letter

scarlet bugler
scarlet bush
scarlet clematis
scarlet cup
scarlet fever
scarlet fever antitoxin
scarlet fevers
scarlet fritillary
scarlet hamelia
scarlet haw
scarlet letter
scarlet letters
scarlet lychnis
scarlet maple
scarlet musk flower
scarlet oak
scarlet pimpernel
scarlet plume
scarlet red
scarlet red sulfonate
scarlet runner
scarlet runner bean
scarlet strawberry
scarlet sumac
scarlet tanager

Literary usage of Scarlet letter

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern by Charles Dudley Warner (1896)
"THE REVELATION OF THE scarlet letter From 'The scarlet letter ' THE eloquent voice, on which the souls of the listening audience had been borne aloft as on ..."

2. Studies in Several Literatures by Harry Thurston Peck (1909)
"m HAWTHORNE AND "THE scarlet letter" IF Nathaniel Hawthorne had never written ... The scarlet letter has won readers for his other books and has raised him ..."

3. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors by Charles Wells Moulton (1904)
"The novel of the "scarlet letter" is one of the links in the development of the ... The " scarlet letter" is not alone an interpretation of personality. ..."

4. Hawthorne and His Circle by Julian Hawthorne (1903)
"... Lizzie's efforts—My father's decapitation—My mother's strong-box—The spirit of The scarlet letter—The strain of imaginative composition—My grandmother ..."

5. Hawthorne and His Circle by Julian Hawthorne (1903)
"HAWTHORNE AND HIS CIRCLE Value of dates—My aunt Lizzie's efforts—My father's decapitation—My mother's strong-box—The spirit of The scarlet letter—The strain ..."

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